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Hope House of Cocke County proposal for temporary quonset huts to be placed at parcel.
We, at the Hope House of Cocke County ask to place temporary mens’ and womens’ quonset huts as an emergency shelter only for the upcoming winter of 2021/2022. The huts shall be used for sleeping purposed only during the hours of 8:00 pm and 6:00 am and only when and if the temperature falls below 35 degrees Fahrenheit. No one will be permitted in the huts before or after allotted hours. There will be a shower house for men and women on the premise as well. We would also like to bring a shed to provide food and necessities. (We are excited to be working with second harvest).

We, at this time, are asking for a minimum of 4 months to be discussed by both parties to make this something that can be renegotiated dependent of weather and the HHCC circumstances and ability to move forward.
We will provide volunteers to open gates into and out of the facilities as well as have said volunteers stay during the hours of operation.
WE are asking …….. to allow us to use this property to serve the same community at a minimal cost to the HHCC. By allowing us to rent the property, we would be able to secure renters insurance at a minimal hit to our fundraising efforts.
We will provide temporary fencing, heat, and security during hours of operation. We will also have security cameras on the premise to insure that no-one will be trespassing during non hours of operation.
If this endeavor is considered and is planned to move forward, upon request, we are happy to provide a copy of our future shelter 1. Policies, 2. Procedures, and 3. Codes and expectations.
For further questions, please contact Heather Heist or Jennifer Hill at thehopehousecc@gmail.com